Vicki Grima, Susie McIntosh and Jean McMaster are excited to welcome you to the launch of FOSTER A POTTER in the hay shed at Denbigh, and to share with you how we plan to fund studio-based training as part of a healthy diversity in educational options in Australian ceramics.

FOSTER A POTTER (FOPO) will create new pathways for experienced ceramicists and mentor potters to share their skills with emerging talents, in return for valuable assistance in the day-to-day running of their studio practice.

There will be a Q&A with the FOPO directors and a panel of mentor potters discussing the advantages and pitfalls of taking on an apprentice. Potters who have previously been apprenticed to mentor potters will also advise how to get the most out of an apprenticeship.

Come and find out how you can be involved. Stay on for music and drinks, mingle with fellow potters and enjoy the sunset from this beautiful location.

Denbigh, 531 Cobbitty Rd, Cobbitty NSW 2570
(1 hour from Sydney CBD)

TICKETS: $25, includes Devonshire tea/coffee on arrival.

You can make a donation via the same link, or see bank details below the map.
No tickets sold at the gate.

Like to donate to FOSTER A POTTER?
Account name: Foster A Potter Ltd
BSB: 062516
Account no: 10475069
Please give your name when depositing and send a transaction receipt to

9 thoughts on “INAUGURAL EVENT SAT 4 MAY 2024, 2PM

  1. Will any information sessions or panels with master potters be recorded? I am unable to attend in person but would love access to the information provided.


    Lachlan Mackee

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Lachlan, it will not be possible to live stream from Denbigh as the internet signal is inadequate. We are looking at ways we can record the discussion panel for viewing later via YouTube or similar. Please keep in touch. Kind regards, Vicki Grima


  2. Hi, this sounds fabulous, but would this type of event & info be run in other parts of the country for people who live interstate? 🤞😊


    1. Hi Ingrid, we are looking at ways we can record the 4 May discussion panel for viewing later via YouTube or similar. As far as travelling the country to run events, our focus is on raising funds for the placements, and sharing our news via the website and Instagram. If we can, we will attend ceramics events to share information, eg. Susie is at Clay Gulgong this week and is talking to lots of people who are attending. Kind regards, Vicki Grima


  3. Sorry I can’t make it as will be at a wedding but think it’s a fabulous project all the best for the event


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